Sektion Red

NYC : Seen Red [Documentary]

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Res One x Oliver Whitehouse x Mistafire
New York City – January 2015.

Res One, Oliver Whitehouse & Mistafire travelled to NYC one year ago (15/01/15). Whilst out there, on a 10 day trip, they shot music videos, freestyle videos, recorded new tracks, played 2 shows and met a lot of heads.

Skip to scenes with:
0:15 – Res One
01:17 – Oliver Whitehouse
04:45 – L.I.F.E. Long
07:50 – Mistafire
18:03 – Saigon
21:45 – King RA
27:40 – Edo G
35:51 – Anomalis
45:01 – Eddie Brock
52:38 – King Magnetic
56:57 – Cydni Chéry

Directed by Oliver Whitehouse
Additional footage by Mistafire & Res One
Instrumentals by Oozhe

Sektion Red want to give a special shout out to L.I.F.E. Long for hooking us up out there on a next level. We will be back to the US before long, and bridging more gaps with the worldwide hip hop market. Preach.