Sektion Red


Part Time Human, Full Time Troll, Skrabl is an Essex based person who enjoys words, specifically rhyming words. Member of Troll Gang and Badly Promoted Geniuses, Skrabls latest effort 'Life Through Kaleidoscope Eyes' was released 01/08/14 in conjunction with vendors of dope apparel and terrible life choices, ThinkZebra. Peep the link and do your ears a favour

  • SMOKES Err'day
  • DRINKS Liquid Only
  • EATS Shit and Dies. Or Spag Bol
  • LISTENS To you breathe while you sleep
  • WATCHES Bernards Watch
  • READS Tea Leaves
  • LOVES This
  • HATES That
  • ALWAYS Stop. Look. Listen
  • NEVER Never Land
Badly Promoted Geniuses - Group Therapy [Official Video]

Badly Promoted Geniuses – Group Therapy [Official Video]


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(6 votes, average: 4.33 out of 5)

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Skrabl (ft. CW Jones) - Lose Sight [Official Video]

Skrabl (ft. CW Jones) – Lose Sight [Official Video]


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(22 votes, average: 4.45 out of 5)

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